Ask Dunhill
Targeted Data


Dunhill International’s business database with over 15 million businesses and 22 million executives in the U.S. and millions of executives worldwide, gives you the ability to reach virtually any company in every industry. With our ListMagic© technology, your list is custom compiled to perfectly pinpoint your exact target audience. ListMagic© is an advanced process that merges multiple sources of data to provide the most comprehensive database available anywhere.

Our business database includes thousands of enhanced categories you will not find with other list providers. The database is packed with important company information such as type of business (SIC code), size of business (employee size/sales volume), geographic location, telephone number, email address, minority and ethnic owned businesses, Fortune 1000 companies, headquarter/franchise/branch and many other selections.

Executives, professionals and owners are selectable by over 150 exact job titles, professional specialty, work at home, lifestyle interests, demographics and more.

This information packed database enables us to compile a unique list with your exact prospect profile with pinpoint accuracy. Our assiduous list hygiene practices and the precise accuracy of the ListMagic© process guarantees that your B2B marketing will reach the most qualified prospects.

Request a quote or give us a call today to speak with one of our experienced data professionals. We’ll help you secure your custom compiled business list that will match your unique requirements.

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