Business Executives
Reaching the key decision makers with your direct mail or email marketing is the best way to get your foot in the door of any company. Our Business Executive database has over 22 million executives available by over 150 different job titles to ensure you are reaching out to the right person in each company. Dunhill will pinpoint your exact target market by matching your specific audience profile to build your custom compiled list.
Executives, professionals and owners are selectable by professional specialty, executive job function (over 150 job titles available), work at home, lifestyle interests, demographics and more.
Our sources include yellow pages and business white pages, business directories, annual reports, corporate and executive registers, new business filings, daily utility connections, press releases, seminar and trade show attendance, corporate websites, government data and public records. To ensure accuracy, the file is then put through a telephone verification process to update and obtain additional information. The business database is NCOA’d (National Change of Address) every 90 days, CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) Certified and backed by our deliverability guarantee.
- View Business Owners & Executives Datacard
- Business Executives with Cell Phones
- View Business Executives at Home Datacard
- View Upper Management Datacard
- View Middle Management Datacard
Request a quote or give us a call today to speak with one of our experienced data professionals. We’ll help you secure the ideal Business Executive list for your unique requirements.