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Targeted Data

Registered Voters

Voters by Party & More…

Reaching Registered Voters by obtaining a list from your state election office can be a hassle. Dunhill International has made the process easy. By collected the voting data from all state, county, and municipal election boards nationwide, we have all available data regarding registered voters in our database. You do not need to spend the time and money dealing with the bureaucratic hassle of working with the election boards.

In addition, government voter files have a lot of inaccuracies including duplicates, wrong addresses, deceased names, etc. These inaccuracies do NOT exist on our voting files because we’ve already cleaned and updated the records on these files for you.

Plus, with our updated voting files, you can receive valuable data that is not available on government voting files such as voter cell phone numbers, detailed demographic data, voting history, and much more.

Party affiliations include all registered voters in:

  • Republican Party
  • Democratic Party
  • Tea Party voters
  • Independent voters
  • and all other parties in all states

Reach individuals by their party affiliation for:

  • Political polls/surveys
  • Political campaign messages
  • Social causes
  • Fundraising

The Registered Voter database gives you access to every registered voter in the country.

Select by Geography – State, Zip Code, Census Track, Congressional District, Homeowner vs. Renter, Federal Election Commission Contributor Match, Income, Age, Change of Address and more.

Request a quote or give us a call today to speak with one of our experienced data professionals. We’ll help you secure your custom compiled Registered Voter list for your unique requirements.

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