Vacationers & Cruise Passengers
Just about everyone takes a vacation now and then, but everyone is not your prospect. To maximize results, you must carefully qualify your file of travelers. To accurately qualify your prospects, you need to use the right selections to target the correct vacationers for your marketing campaign. Dunhill International List Co. offers the most comprehensive assortment of demographics & lifestyle selections to customize your travel prospect data.
41 Million Vacationers
Theses pleasure travelers enjoy exploring destinations throughout the US and the world. Whether these vacationers seek a quiet weekend escape, an adventurous month-long trip or anything in between, they are looking to make the most of their getaways. These vacationers are known for taking cruises, frequenting timeshares, casinos and resort destinations, RV trips, golf vacations and more. They have the discretionary income for all their favorite interests.
12 Million Cruise Passengers & 25 Million Cruise Prospects
These cruisers and cruise prospects have the extra time and discretionary income to afford unique travel offers. Itineraries for most active cruisers include the Caribbean, Alaska, Mexican Coast, South America and the Mediterranean. It’s the perfect list to use for reaching your target market through multimedia methods. Send an email message then follow-up with a postcard as an additional channel of connecting with these prospects.
When you order a list from Dunhill International List Co, your list will be tailor made to fit your own specific requirements. Allow us to match our wide range of demographic selections to your promotion. Data selections include seniors, cruise passengers, family vacationers, timeshare owners, RV owners and group tourists.
If you’re not sure how to choose the best selections for your travel direct marketing list or which demographic and lifestyle profile best describes your ideal travel prospect, ask us about our Customer Modeling Service. We’ll take a look at your current customer database and find their best characteristics and use them to find similar consumers who match your existing customers’ exact profile.
In essence, we remove the guesswork from choosing which selections are best to target prospective leads and replace it with a more scientific approach achieved by the use of Dunhill’s customer modeling technology.
Request a quote or give us a call today to speak with one of our experienced data professionals. We’ll help you secure your custom compiled list of Vacationers and Cruise Passengers for your unique requirements.