Ailment Sufferers
Millions of ailment sufferers are actively seeking information on the ailments that are affecting their current health conditions. They are interested in treatments, pharmaceuticals, insurance plans and more. This Ailment Sufferers data is gathered solely from self-reported information. No information on any of these illness and medical condition sufferers is obtained from insurance companies or health care providers, therefore HIPAA compliant. The data is collected from surveys both on and off-line.
Dunhill will custom compile a postal, email or phone list to make targeting consumers with specific ailments easy. Check out our Ailment Sufferers datacard with over 120 listed ailments which is only a small sample of what is available.
Medication and Pharmaceutical users of prescription and over the counter sources are also available. These records are selectable by medication name. Over 500 selections available.
Alternative medicine believers prefer to use natural, holistic, and homeopathic approaches to treat illnesses. Homeopathic believers use a medical practice system that treats a disease by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in larger amounts produce in healthy persons symptoms similar to those of the disease.
Request a quote or give us a call today to speak with one of our experienced data professionals. We’ll help you secure your custom compiled Ailment Sufferers list that will match your unique requirements.